Saturday, February 2, 2008

Just some thoughts

How can anyone say men and women aren't different? Other than the obvious genitalia issues, there are several proofs we are so different. What's the first one I can think of? Funnel Cake. Sure I like funnel cake, but would never stop and by one. On the other hand, women are genetically predisposed to buy funnel cake. When walking by a booth, or once the smell hits their nostrilsm its all over. She needs to have one. Period. If there was ever a true civil war between men and women. Men would not need to fight. We would just bake funnel cakes and poison them. The whole female race would be done in about 3 minutes.

Want to know how trapped by the consumer culture I am? I always buy the two-disc special edition of DVD's but I never ever watch the special features. But somehow, I feel I need to have them, you know, "just in case."

There is nothing you could say to convince me that Neil Diamond is not one of the best musical artists of our time. Sure he was not a great singer, and almost talks as much as he sings, but there is something about his music that just makes you happy. He is kind of like a white Bob Marley.

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