Wednesday, February 20, 2008

American Idle?

How many of you heard that this was the best talent that American Idol has supposedly had?

Is it me, or was everyone awful? Maybe the dude with dreads was ok, and I can almost admit that the 17 year old boy that laughed uncontrollably was alright, but if you ask me, the whole evening was sub-par.

And, I may be imagining this, but I think American Idol has this new pedophelia thing going on. Not only is there a great deal of young boys, but many of them have somewhat effeminate qualities, whether it be mannerisms or hairstyles or whatever. I understand that this is the way style is going but I kind of almost felt guilty watching the show, as if it was slightly naughty to be watching so many young effeminate men. Or is it just me?

Either way, the show last night sucked. Period.

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