Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Office Space

I am posting several blogs that I have written over the last few days. The gestapo at my work would not allow me access to the internet to post them

Does anyone really like going to the dentist? I understand that a person could possibly argue "Your teeth never feel cleaner," but to me, that is certainly not worth the agony and torture of visiting that hell hole known as the dentist's office. Now, you must know that I have horrible teeth. My dentist always said that I had really weak enamel, and when I was a child, I used to have to take extra trips to the dentist, just to get fluoride. Truth be told, I take better care of my teeth than most of the people I know. I floss, I waterpik (occasionally) and I brush twice a day, but the cavities still come, the root canals have happened and I am stuck with crowns that have no correlation to royalty. I typically dread the hell hole for several reasons. 1. The metal scraping against my teeth is not a warm and fuzzy feeling, in fact, its like a cold prickly (who remembers project Charlie?) 2. I hate the endless lectures and demos about proper flossing and brushing – I am not wanting to pay hundreds of dollars to get a guilt trip. I know how to brush . . . I learned it when I was 5 . . .3. The never give me enough Novocain. I always tell them that I am highly resistant, but they could care less. They think I am just some sort of drug junkie that gets off on a 6 hour numbness that causes perpetual drooling.

Why do I mention all of this? I am due for the dentist. I would ask for prayer, but lets face it, Jesus may have saved us from lots of things, but even he cannot stop the dentist.

Corporate Accounts Payable, Nina speaking. Just a moment.

I once did a list of the top 9 worst movies, but I did them in haste and off the cuff. I cannot believe I forgot one of the worst – Cast Away. Outside of Forrest Gump, Tom Hanks has been playing the exact same actor in every movie for 20 years. Add to this Cast Away – a movie that simply tries to sell one thing, Tom Hanks. His acting is so non-existent that the movie falls flat on its face. Its indulgent in all the wrong ways, and when ..:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Wilson is your supporting character, you have problems. And spare me the responses about how I did not get the artistic expression of isolation in the film – I get that's what they are trying for, but sadly, I would rather be castaway than see that movie ever again.

Why does it take so long to process magazine subscriptions? In 6-8 weeks, my enthusiasm seriously wanes for what once seemed like a good subscription.

Corporate Accounts Payable, Nina speaking. Just a moment.

I know something about you. You want to be heard. Oh its true. It oozes out of everything you do. You want to count, you want people to think you have something to offer, you want people to know you really are different. I am the same way – so I will be pot and you kettle. This behavior is evidenced day in and day out in business meeting after business meeting. Business meetings could get done in about 5 minutes if people were not trying to be noticed. Typically, the reason is presented for why the meeting was called then you spend 2 hours having everyone re-phrase the problem and the solution. So I was thinking, why does this occur? Its simple – you are a crappy friend – and what makes you crappy is that you think you are a good friend. A good friend listens more than they talk, but you don't, and its not ok. See, we approach everything in our life wanting to be heard, so we may listen for a moment, but that's only to make space for ourselves to talk. This is evidenced daily in relationships all around me. Men, how often have you brought up an issue with your lady, to only find yourself apologizing at the end for something you have done? Ladies, this works for you too. We go to tell people are problems, and then they make it about them. I know what you are thinking – this is not me and I am the exception. But I know you, and I am talking to you. You are no exception. You talk too damn much and you listen too darn little. Guess what? Me too. Until we listen, and I mean really listen, this world will still starve for attention. We will have silly business meetings, and we will have wars, all because YOU think you are a good friend. So you are thinking, "well that's great Jered, but when will I get to say what's on my mind?" - - - exactly my point.

Corporate Accounts Payable, Nina speaking. Just a moment.

One thing that I need to learn is: people will never view my issues as urgently as I do. This may seem like a no-brainer, but this is a very good thing to realize. People have their own priorities, and yours will hardly ever be as important to them as theirs. I would save myself a lot of headache if I could truly internalize this thought.

Corporate Accounts Payable, Nina speaking. Just a moment.

Aquafina water tastes greasy.

Corporate Accounts Payable, Nina speaking. Just a moment.

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